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Thursday, April 28, 2011


Cakepops again??? You probably wondering why I would make them again. Well the reason is that I had finished a course online and I wanted my instructor to have something special from me. :) I made cakepops for her and I think she loved them... at least I loved them. 
This time I used organic, yellow cake; organic, vanilla frosting; and organic, white chocolate. My mother calls them sinful, because they are so rich, and just melt when eaten. 

Cake pops are great for parties or gift baskets for any occasion! This one I put into a tin can, that is for backpacking and has a carabiner on the side. My mother also had a great idea to put them in a flower pot for summer! You can also add gift cards to them as well as other little valuables you might have in mind. 

I also made a pizza the other night. I love to make pizza and it is all homemade. I make the dough at least 30 minutes before and it is just a basic recipe with salt, flower, sugar, olive oil, and yeast. I put artichoke hearts, sliced tomatoes, pesto as the sauce, and parmesan. This pizza is my family's favorite! I make it at least 3 times a month and it is nice and healthy for you because you know what is going into to the dough and on the pizza. 

I also can make cakepops for birthdays, as well as other food and sweets! 

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Cake Pops Galore

Yesterday was the day to make cake pops. I thought it looked pretty simple and easy, but on the contrary it was hard work.
Ingredients Needed
*1 Box cake mix
*Water, vegetable oil, and egg; called for on cake box
*1 Package frosting
*Candy Melt
*Lollipop sticks
*Bock of foam
*Sprinkles, extra frosting for decorating

 I first started out baking the cake according to the recipe on the back of the box, then crumbling the cakes in their pan.
The next step was to let the cakes cool and then put all the cake in a bowl and mix in the frosting. I used chocolate frosting to go with the chocolate cake; any frosting can work, it all depends on the craving you are having that day. :)

The batter for the cake pops will look a little like a cake that kids have crushed but that is what makes them beautiful in the end. You can roll the dough into balls any size you would like. What I found out later on was the smaller the easier to work with. I actually used a mini muffin tin to hold all the balls in and it worked pretty well but made the tops of them a little flat. Also, you will need to know it is easier if you freeze the balls before trying to dip then in the chocolate. 

I melted the chocolate over boiling water to have the steam melt the chocolate, rather than melting the chocolate in the microwave. 
I was very aggravated during the first try yesterday when my chocolate was lumping. I think it was due to the chocolate starting to cool, the sticks not staying in the cake dough, and the cake being semi-cold. 
What you will need to do before you dip the pops in the chocolate is put the stick into the chocolate about an inch, then stick that into the cake to act like a glue. 

These were the first ones and as you can see they are lumpy and do not look as good as the pictures below. 
Today I decided to take another stab at perfecting the cake pop. Surprisingly, they worked out very well. I got a styrofoam board to hold the pops in to cool instead of using a card board box, which I had the day before and did not work too well. 

These were the finished product today. You can add more chocolate onto them, sprinkles, designs made out of frosting, or anything creative you can come up with. 
My final step was to put saran wrap around each one and then put my blog on the stem along with pink ribbon. 

I hope you enjoy and the full recipe is on the Betty Crocker website. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

New Trend ;)

I was just browsing the internet for the new sweet coming out and here it is! 
My aunt had brought us some from an easter egg hunt my cousin had gone to! They looked adorable. 
I have even looked up recipes and all you need to do is bake a cake and then smash it into crumbs. You need to then add something, like frosting, to hold all the crumbs and pieces together. Then you mold them into balls and put them on sticks. Decorate with melted chocolate then add any topping. Here are a few pics for you to get a good idea of what they can look like. They are great for any leftover cake you might have from an event, parties, and easy to take along; rather than carrying a huge tray and having to slice a cake. 
Who needs the forks and plates when you can have a CAKE POP!!! 

CUPCAKES are the in thing....for now.

So I made cupcakes for my dad's birthday because he was a little sad my family was not going out to eat. That is because my siblings do not live with us anymore, not because they don't want to, but they are off at college. I felt bad for my dad so I decided to try and make some awesome cupcakes. I used a buttercream frosting and a chocolate cake and freshly cut strawberries. It was a fun thing to do. There are a ton of cupcake places going up around the world right now. They are pretty big but soon they will not be and something will replace them. I will keep you guys informed on the new thing to come out soon. :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Beowulf Project

I had to do this project in English class on the play Beowulf. I was not too excited about another project because we don't really learn anything from doing projects...but whatever. So I decided to bake a cake and I wanted it to look like one off of cake boss. I think I did pretty well, you will have to tell me what you think. I used fondant and wire for the sculptures, piping gel for the water, and the rest was either cake or icing. Oh yes, I almost forgot the rocks were junior mints and raisinetts.
I will post different pictures of it so you can decide for yourself how I did. :)